Even if your surfaces and restrooms appear clean, they can still be harboring harmful viruses and bacteria.  Did you know that E. coli can exist in a toilet for up to 8 days?  And be spread more than 20 feet away with one flush of the toilet?  There are more viruses and bacteria than there are stars in the universe -- more than 100 million. The most prevalent viruses and contaminants found in restrooms and other areas are fecal bacteria, influenza, streptococcus, E. coli, hepatitis, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), salmonella, shigella and norovirus.  Proper cleaning procedures combined with the proper santizing chemicals and equipment will remove the harmful viruses and contaminants.  The result is a safer environment for everyone -- customers, employees, children, elderly, anyone you want to help keep healthy.

Swish can help you keep a safe environment with our Scrubbing and Sanitizing services.  The products are effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, are virucidal (including COVID-2, COVID-19, HIV-1, HIV-2, HBV, and HCV) and inhibit the growth of mold and mildew.  The products are formulated to disinfect hard nonporous inanimate environmental surfaces:  walls, metal surfaces, stainless steel surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, plastic surfaces, vanity tops, doors, door handles, restroom partitions.

The Intercon products we use have a minimum 3-day residual working life after application and can last up to 3 weeks.